Resources & Links
Massage is great! It's a fabulous way to help ease aches, niggles, injury and persistent pain. But it's not the total answer to every condition! It's frequently a tool to be used in conjunction with other ways of self management. Here are a few of the websites that I find particularly helpful.
For those of us with an interest in the evidence around pain science and massage - and challenging commonly held misconceptions - I've added a couple of interesting resources that are worth a look, too!
Random Interesting Stuff
(P)Rehab exercise
The Prehab guys have an amazing app with an enormous library of exercises targeting particular conditions. They're also on Facebook
https://theprehabguys.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ThePrehabGuys
Gary Lewis, from Primal Movements also has a huge range of strengthening advice out there:
Hip Pain
A huge number of menopausal women suffer with tendinopathy as oestrogen levels start to fluctuate. Gluteal tendinopathy is particularly prevalent. This paper has an enormous amount of advice - including things to to and things to avoid. https://www.jospt.org/doi/epdf/10.2519/jospt.2015.5829
So many clients are dealing with chronic - or persistent - pain. There is a growing body of resources out there that can explain what is happening in your body and help you deal with and perhaps even improve - persistent pain.
Lorimer Mosely is fabulous, an Australian clinical neuroscientist and a real pain expert - this is his Ted Ex talk. It's 13 years old but it gives an overview of pain science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwd-wLdIHjs
Other resources worth looking at, both with Lorimer Mosely's input are https://www.painrevolution.org/epf2 and https://www.tamethebeast.org/about
Pain Science
Feeling a bit nerdy? Paul Ingraham is a science writer who suffers from chronic pain and he's created a website analysing the evidence around common conditions and how best to treat them. https://www.painscience.com/index-pain-conditions.php